How to Make Money with MALL: The Intelligent Cloud Global Order Matching Center

In today’s digital age, opportunities to earn money online have grown significantly, with innovative platforms paving the way for both merchants and consumers. One such platform is MALL, an intelligent cloud-based global order matching center that plays a key role in e-commerce worldwide. MALL partners with major platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, AliExpress, Souq, Jumia, MaxFashion, and Daraz, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance competitiveness and provide financial opportunities for everyday users. So, how can you make money with MALL? Let’s dive in.

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What is MALL?

MALL is a cloud-based platform designed to intelligently match buyers and merchants. It does this by using a sophisticated cloud algorithm engine that analyzes data to connect consumers with businesses, ensuring that both parties benefit from more efficient transactions. MALL’s real value lies in how it integrates both e-commerce and financial opportunities for its users.

Here’s what makes MALL stand out:

But MALL is not just a platform for merchants. It also allows regular consumers to make money while shopping and sharing.

How Does MALL Help You Earn Money?

The most exciting feature of MALL is the way it allows users to earn commissions through free sharing of products. Essentially, you can shop normally, share items with others, and earn money in return. Here’s how it works:

  1. Shop as Usual: MALL isn’t designed as just another cloud shopping platform; it allows you to purchase products across its network of e-commerce partners like Amazon or Alibaba.
  2. Share and Earn: After making your purchase or discovering a product you like, you can share that item with friends, family, or your social network. This sharing is done through a unique link or referral system that tracks your activity.
  3. Receive Commissions: For every purchase made through your shared link, MALL offers you a commission. This creates a win-win scenario: the merchant benefits from increased sales, and you benefit financially from sharing the product.
  4. Promote While You Shop: One of MALL’s most unique features is that while you shop or pick up an order, you also become a promoter for the product. The platform automatically connects you with merchants who are looking for promoters, adding yet another way to earn while interacting with MALL.

Key Advantages of MALL

Effortless Income: Unlike traditional affiliate marketing, MALL doesn’t require any upfront investment, technical skills, or a website. You simply share products you’re already using or are interested in, and the platform handles the rest.

Global Reach: Because MALL is integrated with top e-commerce platforms worldwide, you’re not limited to promoting products in just one region. Whether it’s Amazon in the US, Alibaba in China, or Jumia in Africa, the global nature of MALL expands your opportunities to earn.

No Limit on Commissions: Since you can promote a variety of products from different industries and countries, the earning potential is virtually limitless. The more you share and the more purchases are made through your links, the higher your income.

Built-In Merchant Matching: MALL’s cloud algorithm doesn’t just match buyers and sellers; it also pairs users with merchants looking for promoters. This means you don’t need to go hunting for brands to promote—MALL’s system does that for you.

How to Get Started with MALL

Ready to start making money with MALL? Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on MALL’s platform. You may need to link your account to various e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Alibaba to get started.
  2. Browse and Shop: Browse through the products listed on MALL, just as you would on any other e-commerce platform. You can purchase items that catch your eye or share them with others.
  3. Share with Your Network: Once you’ve found a product you like, share the link with your network on social media, messaging apps, or any other platform where you’re active.
  4. Track Your Earnings: MALL provides real-time tracking of commissions, so you’ll be able to see exactly how much you’re earning as others make purchases through your referral links.
  5. Scale Your Income: The more you share, the more you can earn. You may also get opportunities to become a preferred promoter for certain merchants, which could increase your commission rates or provide exclusive product deals.


MALL represents a new frontier in the e-commerce world by combining cloud-based technology with user-friendly financial incentives. Not only does the platform make online shopping easier for consumers, but it also provides a simple, effective way to earn commissions by sharing products. With its cutting-edge 5G cloud matching technology, global reach, and partnerships with major e-commerce giants, MALL is a powerful tool for both merchants and consumers.

Whether you’re a casual shopper looking to make extra money or a full-time online promoter, MALL’s innovative approach can open new doors for you in the world of e-commerce. All you need to do is shop, share, and earn!



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