War in Ukraine & Global Arms Market. India-Russia Defence Ties on Hold

War in Ukraine, global arms market, India-Russia defense ties, conflict in Ukraine, military tensions, defense industry, international relations, geopolitical dynamics, arms trade, defense cooperation, political instability

2024-02-13 22:19:21 - PinPost

India. The worlds most populous country. And also the 3rd largest Geopolitical player in Asia. Due to its historical allegiances, it has long looked to Russia for arms. Russia supplied 65% of India's weapons purchases of more than $60 billion during the last two decades. But the war in Ukraine has reduced Russias ability to export arms, opening the path for India to look in other directions. It’s the beginning of a large shift of geopolitical and military structures in the world, and in this episode of TT, we want to take a look past only India and at what and who will fill the void Russia is leaving on the global arms market.

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